Homepage of Goran Šimić / Mrežna stranica Gorana Šimića
APC vaučeri za objavljivanje u otvorenom pristupu (Open Access)!
Akademskih kvarat ure (o Uvodu u neuroznanost svijesti - prof. dr. sc. Mladenka Tkalčić)
Transgeneracijska trauma - eksperimentalni modeli
ASO works? (ppt)
- ASO in AD 2023 (ppt) - ASO
lowers tangles
The Cell 8th ed. Student Resources
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 ASD
CROSBI PubMed (NCBI) Google Scholar
Study of BioMedical Mathematics/Studij biomedicinske matematike
Lokalizacija i narav svijesti / Localization and nature of consciousness - HDTMB kolokvij 23.III.2022. ppt
intervju Nacional 22.III.2022. web
Čitanje u fokusu: razgovor o knjizi Digitalna demencija Manfreda Spitzera 22.III.2022.
Recommendation for students: Marty Lobdell - Study less, study smart
Kavli lecture: Role of subputaminal nucleus in language: enigma of primary progressive aphasia solved? ppt
Synaptic pruning / Obrezivanje sinapsi Extraordinary neoteny of synaptic spines in the human prefrontal cortex
Učitelji u fokusu: vrijeme je za knjigu (Manfred Spitzer: Epidemija pametnih telefona)
Universitas br. 138 (travanj 2021.) intervju
Noć knjige 2021 - Svjetski dan knjige 23.4.2021.
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and the Precursors for Dementia – An In-Depth Discussion
* Finding
Genius Website: https://bit.ly/3mw8AGG
* iTunes
(Apple Podcasts): https://apple.co/3t1Bcdt
* YouTube:
* Podcast
Addict: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/121454398
* Spotify:
* iHeart
Radio: https://ihr.fm/2Q83kg6
* Castbox:
* Stitcher:
* Google
Podcast: https://bit.ly/31Uzfn2
* Amazon
Music: https://amzn.to/3d0x5IK
* Audible:
Što strah od potresa i korone radi našem mozgu?
New Year's gift from Boston Dynamics
Uvod u neuroznanost emocija i osjećaja. Naklada Ljevak: Zagreb, 2020.
Uvod u neuroznanost učenja i pamćenja. Naklada Ljevak: Zagreb, 2019.
AlphaZero's brilliancy and its importance for understanding the human brain:
Chess, a Drosophila of reasoning editorial Mastering board games A general reinforcement learning algorithm
first brilliant move
Learning and memory BAW public lecture 2019
My Publons My WoS My rG My exaly rankings
Curriculum Vitae with the list of publications / Životopis s popisom radova
My NCBI bibliography / Popis radova NIH National Library of Medicine
Recent research projects
"Role of blood-brain barrier, innate immunity, and tau protein oligomerization in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease" project of the Croatian Science Foundation grant no. IP-2019-04-3584 from 15 Jan 2020 - 14 Jan 2024 / Posjetite mrežne stranice projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost "Uloga krvno-moždane barijere, urođene imunosti i oligomerizacije tau proteina u patogenezi Alzheimerove bolesti" br. IP-2019-04-3584 koji se provodi u razdoblju od 15. siječnja 2020 - 14. siječnja 2024. godine
Some online tools
An interactive tool for calculating statistical power and sample size
Another online power calculator Another online sample size estimator
An interactive tool for calculating effect size An interactive tool for visualizing sex differences
Online Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data, Fourth Edition, by Michael Sullivan, III.
Experimental design ppt Significance calculator
Some older papers and presentations / Neki stariji radovi i prezentacije
Biological basis of emotions / Biološki temelji emocija
Primary and secondary headaches / Primarne i sekundarne glavobolje
pri postavljanju dijagnoze Alzheimerove bolesti u osoba s blagim kognitivnim oštećenjem
Pathogenesis of proximal autosomal recessive spinal muscular atrophy / Cover page JL
Apoptoza u neuromišićnim i neurodegenerativnim bolestima
CSF tau proteins in evaluation of patients with suspected dementia
Brain asymmetries related to language with special on entorhinal cortex and basal forebrain
Nucleus subputaminalis: Neglected part of the basal nucleus of Meynert
Hemispheric asymmetry, modular variability and age-related changes in the human entorhinal cortex
Pathological tau proteins in argyrophilic grain disease
Ultrastructural analysis and TUNEL demonstrate motor neuron apoptosis in Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
Kolegij "Temelji neuroznanosti" / "Fundamentals of Neuroscience" course
Synopsis of functional neuroanatomy
Uvod u neuroanatomija ponašanja / Introduction to neuroanatomy of behavior (in Croatian)
Uvod u neurobiologiju demencija / Introduction to neurobiology of dementia (in Croatian)
Alzheimer's disease basics / Alzheimer's disease advanced
Imaging dementia intro (courtesy of dr. Ratimir Petrović) / Imaging methods intro (courtesy of dr. Christian Vollmar, LMU)
Personality traits, research and teaching text / Figure (scatterplot)
Kako bolje učiti? / How to learn successfully? (in Croatian)
Evolucija kooperativnog ponašanja / Evolution of cooperative behavior
Mapping memory in 3D and progression of Alzheimer's disease - National geographic
Introduction to cerebral cortex and functional anatomy - part I
Orientation columns (turn the speakers on!) - a gift from prof. Hubel Orientation columns 2 - a gift from prof. Grinwald
Functional neuroanatomy - part II
Learning and memory H.M, N.A., R.B.
Henry Gustav Molaison dies at 82 (on 5th Dec 2008)
Forgetting curves Examples of the questions from the test
Left and right hemisphere (TED ideas worth spreading)
Six dementia cases to solve (AD, FLD, FTD, LBD, pseudodementia, VaD) - in English
Word processing (fMRI + MEG) left lateral view / left medial view / left ventral view (from Marinkovic K et al. 2004)
Stanja svijesti (P22) i bolesti ovisnosti (P23)
Mali mozak - dodatak (dr. Marko Čuljat)
Kolegij Anatomija čovjeka / Anatomy course
Click here to find a particular eponym
Mehanizam gutanja (deglutition/swallowing)
CNS Intro I (Spartanburg Technical College) CNS Intro II (dr. Heather Townsend)
CNS Intro III (prof. Zdravko Petanjek) Intro IV head, neck, teeth
Intro V cervical spine Case neck
Cranial parasympathetic system (scheme) Cranial nerve III (scheme)
Cranial nerve V (scheme) Cranial nerves V and VII
Cranial nerve XII (ansa cervicalis scheme)
Moždane ovojnice i prostori (dobrotom dr. Peter Reilich-a, LMU)
Skull gross anatomy Temporal bone
Popular posters, texts, presentations, links / Popularni posteri, tekstovi, prezentacije, poveznice
Mental fitness poster 10 early signs of Alzheimer's disease poster
NeuRI 2015 ppt Macro-and microstructure of cognitive processing
Curiosity (from Carolina Koletic)
Interesting (neuro)science concepts
How to read and respond to a rejection letter
Journal of Comparative Neurology - Passages 2018
Croatian Societies for Alzheimer's disease / Hrvatska udruga za Alzheimerovu bolest
Unloading the bricks from the boat in Bangladesh
Brilliant Sun Tzu "The Art of War"
Singing inside an MRI (link provided by dr. Mario Lušić)
Children learn what they live - a poem by Dorothy Law Nolte
Nice intro into the neuroeconomics (by Dante Monique Pirouz)
Movies on the brain (from Jacobson and Marcus)
Writing a scientific paper (from Vernon Booth)
Writing your doctoral dissertation (from R. S. Brause)
Great site for synaesthetes to start from (are you the one?)
Alien hand syndrome after callosotomy
Split brain with one half atheist and one half theist The bystander effect
Split brain behavioral experiments intro More from Gazzaniga on Right Brain vs Left Brain
palmomental reflex testing palmomental reflex positive
Hipokampus i pamćenje stari tekst
Poslijediplomski studij "Neurobiologija starenja" / Postgraduate course "Neurobiology of aging"
Izborni predmet "Učenje i pamćenje" / Elective course "Learning and memory"
Try inducing theta waves in the hippocampus for yourself: Listen to low-frequency noises for 10 minutes before learning (ideally with your eyes closed to create alpha waves in posterior cortical regions) and see if you can learn and recall better (feedback welcome):
short version (2 min. 19 sec.) - download HERE / longer version (9 min. 9 sec.) - download HERE
last updated on 16th Nov 2024 / stranica zadnji put obnovljena 16. studenog 2024.
Hvala na posjeti - Thank you for coming!